
Information about the photo exhibition

 Photo exhibition  Matcha

 Subtitle  Are pharmacists no longer necessary?

 Dates  Wednesday, October 30th, 2024 – Tuesday, November 5th, 2024

 Open  11:00 〜 19:00

 Place  Galerie Au Medicis  5 rue de Medicis 75006
      Paris 6th (in France )

 web  https://x.gd/MptQR

※First day: After the set-up on October 30th Last day: Until 15:00 on November 5th
Vernissage will be held on October 31st from 7pm to 9pm and everyone is welcome to join us. place:Galerie Au Medicis  5 rue de Medicis 75006 Paris 6th

Pharmacists are one of the professions that may be eliminated by AI. However, I believe that only humans can perform interpersonal tasks such as medication instructions, visiting patients’ homes and facilities to check their health conditions, and working with caregivers and medical professionals.

On the other hand, I feel that there are some things that cannot be helped, such as genetic modification, human genome research, and in vitro fertilization.

Many people in the medical industry are pessimistic about Japan’s future, but I hope that the future of my grandchildren will be bright. This exhibition will encourage viewers to think about medical care in Japan.